Users will not be able to access the system until you add them. They cannot self enrol unless this is turned on: see Self Sign-up.

Add multiple users at once by uploading a CSV file. To do this select “Manage > Users and groups” from the top menu - here you will see an “IMPORT USERS” button.  

NB Import is context sensitive: The users will be added to whichever group you have selected (highlighted in the groups panel) when you click the “IMPORT USERS” button.

You can quickly add existing (along with any new users) to a specific group by using a CSV import. 

When you import an existing user (identified by the email address) to add them to a group, if any difference in other details is detected (e.g. in the spelling of their name), Training Post will update their user profile to match the new import. 

If you re-import a user (email address) to the same group, providing there are no differences in the name, they will be ignored. No duplicate users will be created.

A CSV file for import should follow these simple rules:

  • a header row with a column for Name, Email Address, and a column per custom field (see Custom User Information)

  • one row per user

  • use UTF-8 format (just pick this option when exporting). 

Tip You can download an example CSV file in the import users area.

Example user CSV file contents:

Name, Email Address

Joe Bloggs, [email protected]

Jane Smith, [email protected]

Sam Jones, [email protected]

By default the system will not invite users when they are created, or added to a new group, with the import process. If you wish to send the invitations during this process, you can tick the “SEND INVITATION(S)” option before clicking the "IMPORT" button.

Custom user Data Fields

Note: If your organisation is making use of custom user data fields, then these can also be imported and exported.

The Example CSV in th import dialogue will be updated to include the allowed field headers, and the import will validate any values imported to check they match the requirements of each field.

Suspending users via CSV imports

You can also manage the suspension status of multiple users through the CSV import. In the CSV under the Status header, set the users status to either active or suspended. The users statuses will be updated upon a successful import.

Name, Email Address, Status

Joe Bloggs, [email protected], active

Jane Smith, [email protected], suspended

Sam Jones, [email protected], active

NB Please be aware that the import will be prevented when there is an invalid value under the column header, or when importing a new user or unsuspending an existing user would exceed the amount of available seats.