Your users will have lives of their own and may occasionally forget about their courses and assignments. As the Organisation Owner, you can send out assignment reminders to users in two ways.

NB The assignment due reminder is only sent to users that have opted in for notifications and have yet to complete or pass all of their courses related to their active assignment(s). 

Automated Reminders

Automated reminders can be set up within your Organisation to send an email notification to users a specified amount of days before a course is due. 

This setting can be found by clicking “Organisation > Settings”, and then looking for the “Assignment Due Reminders" setting. You can set up to 2 different reminders. By default, the first reminder is 7 days before an assignment’s Due Date, and the second reminder is 2 days before an assignment’s Due Date.

To enable a reminder, set the toggle to the enabled state. If you wish to change when the reminder is sent out, you can enter a different number of days in the “Number of days before” field. Click “SAVE” to confirm your choice.

Tip: You can enable both, one, or none of the reminders if you wish.

The emails are sent out daily at specific times:

  • first reminders are sent between 10:00 and 12:00 UTC
  • second reminders are sent between 12:00 and 14:00 UTC 

This will only occur for assignments that have a Due Date set.

Manual Reminders

You can manually send reminders for an individual assignment. To do so, click “Manage > Assignments”. Navigate to the Assignment Details page of the assignment that you wish to send a reminder for. Click SEND REMINDER.

In the “Send Reminder” modal, you will be shown a preview of the reminder email that will be sent to the assignment’s users. This can be sent as is, or you can include your own message. Click SEND REMINDERS to send the emails out. Click CANCEL or the X in the top right corner to cancel sending the reminders.