Tracking the course attempt status for each individual user per course can quickly become a tedious affair. The Assignment Reports area allows you to quickly get an overview of all associated users’ best and current course attempts for a specific assignment.

Owners and Reporters can track the statuses of assignment-related course launches in the Assignment Reports. You can find the list of active assignments by clicking “Report > Group Reports", in the scope filter field select and filter the report to the assignment you want to see. Alternatively, you can access a specific assignment's report page through the assignment's details page, and then clicking "REPORT".

From here, you will be presented with a table listing the assignment’s courses for all users assigned to the assignment. 

From the assignment’s report, you can filter between the Best Attempt and Current Attempt for the courses by clicking the toggle above. After filtering the attempts, you can then export the current table of results by clicking "EXPORT REPORT" from the information panel.

Please note that the maximum limit for courses in assignment reports is 10 courses and 300 users. If either limit is exceeded, the table will be hidden until the number of both the courses and users are under their respective limits.

Late submissions and expired certificates

The individual cells of the report table will also display icons to convey further information. 

When the due date for the assignment has passed, the late icon will display in the cells where late submissions or non-started attempts have occurred.

For courses that give certificates with a limited validity period, the cell will display an expired certificate icon once the validity period has ended.

Current Attempt or Best Attempt?

In most cases learners can launch courses more than once. This can lead to a situation where they have previously completed the course, but it is currently in progress.


The toggle at the top of the screen lets you choose to see either the status of their 'best' attempt or their current attempt. By default, the toggle is set to Best Attempt when navigating to the page. The Best Attempt toggle looks at all of their attempts in the selected assignment and uses the following order of preference:


Passed/Complete > Failed > In Progress > Not started (Matching the on screen Key)


Tip: The report will only show the attempts related to the assignment being viewed. Therefore, the assignment report will not show attempts launched from other assignments and the Course Library.