Some Organisations may need to add client-specific material with your Provider Courses. You can allow Organisation Owners to include additional modules to Provider Courses of your choosing. At this present time, enabling this option will allow Organisations to add PDF-type and Embeded-type modules. 

In the Provider Course’s property page, click “EDIT” in the Organisation Modules panel. Toggle on Enable Organisation Modules and click “SAVE” to enable organisation modules for that provider course. Any Organisation Owners that have access to the course will now be able to add their own modules to the affected Provider Course. These additional modules are only visible to the organisation that added them. 

You may also want to include additional information for the Organisation Owner when they view the Provider Course’s property page. You can add this by clicking “EDIT”. Add the necessary text in the Organisation Information Text field, and then click “SAVE”.

In the event that you wish to remove this feature, toggle off Enable Organisation Modules and then click “SAVE”.

NB Disabling Organisation Modules will remove any and all Organisation Modules that have been added by their respective Organisations and any data related to the removed Organisation Modules.