You can change the certification and its validity period for individual Provider Courses. In a course’s profile page, click “EDIT CERTIFICATE” in the Certificate panel. From the resulting page, you can edit the details of the certificate associated with that Provider Course.

  • Issues certificate - You can toggle whether a certificate is issued upon course completion.

  • Certificate expiry - You can set the number of days that the certificate is valid for. Leave it empty to let it remain valid indefinitely.

  • Certificate reminder - Set the number of days the certificate expiry reminder is sent out before the certificate expires. Leave it empty so that reminders are not sent.

  • Display user email address - Show the users email address on the certificate download.

  • Display score - Show the score of the scoring module (only if a scoring module is enabled).

  • Date format - Select either the International or US Traditional date format.

  • Certificate background image - Upload or delete the image for the certificate’s background. The Provider Course’s certificate will override an Organisation’s certificate for the Provider Course. If the field is empty, the certificate will use the Organisation’s certificate background.

Click “SAVE” to confirm these changes.

NB Organisation users cannot change Provider Course certifications and will need to contact you (the provider) should they want to alter Provider Course certifications.