Provider Courses are a great way of sharing your elearning portfolio with clients when setting up their Organisations. The complete collection of your Provider Courses can either be added when setting up an Organisation or you can choose to customise the courses available to give a more tailored experience depending on your clients needs.

To set up a Provider course click on “PROVIDER COURSES” from the top menu. On the page that follows click the “ADD COURSE” button from the top right of the Provider courses panel.  

Add basic course information

Here you can add a title, and choose a category. Select the "CREATE COURSE" button to confirm.

When you are finished, you will be taken to the course profile page where you can the content for your course. This is done on a per module basis to give maximum flexibility for course creators. Don't worry if you intend on having only one module - that is perfect also.

Adding a module

A course will require at least one module for it to be usable by Organisation users. For this example, we will discuss the elearning module:

To upload elearning content you will need a SCORM file, click the “ADD MODULE” button in the Modules panel, then select “Elearning” from the options presented. 

Add a title for your module. Scroll to SCORM file and click the “BROWSE” button and select your SCORM zip file. Once complete, click the “SAVE” button at the bottom of the page. 

A screenshot of the add module page

This will then begin the upload for you and display the progress as a percentage of completion. The page will then display the import status bar. The status will eventually change to “COMPLETE” on success or “ERROR” if something went wrong. Click "SAVE" again and you will return to the course's profile page once more.

If you get the error status, please check that the course file is:

  • a SCORM file, and not the editable source files for course creation

  • using SCORM version 1.2 - this is by far the most common and the one used by Training Post, but other versions do exist

  • 300MB or less - please contact us if you need to upload larger file sizes.

If you are setting up multiple modules, repeat this process until your course is complete. 

Once you have finished adding modules, you will be presented with a few new options. You can Reorder Modules as well as set a Scoring Module if you have several SCORM modules.

Setting a module for certificate scoring

Upon a user completing a course containing an scored elearning module, the score of the scoring module will be displayed in the course detail page for the user and on the certificate. For Provider Courses, the final status or score will be shown once all modules have been opened and completed. 

Providers can set which of the course's elearning modules will be shown as the final score or course status. To set a scoring module, navigate to the Provider Course’s detail page if you are not already there. Under the Modules panel, click “Set scoring module”. 

The resulting pop-up will list all the modules in that Provider Course, though only SCORM courses will have a tick box next to them. Select the SCORM course module that you wish to set as the course’s scoring module and click “SAVE”. A little target icon will appear next to the new scoring module.

Alternatively, you can select "None: Course does not show score." so that the score is not displayed.

Other module types

As alluded to in the previous section, Provider Modules allow for the upload of different module types. The currently accepted types are:

  • SCORM files
  • Embedded content
  • Learner Task
  • PDF documents

Organisation Modules

By default, Organisations are not allowed to add modules to a Provider course. However, if you wish for an Organisation to be able to add their own Modules. Simply scroll to the Organisation modules panel and click the "EDIT" button. 

Here you can use the toggle to enable organisations to add modules as well as any information you'd like to include for the Organisation managers that would be overseeing these modules. Currently, Organisations may only add PDF modules to a Provider Course.

Default courses

You may wish to automatically include a course to be available to an Organisation upon their creation. To achieve this, you need to return to the Provide Courses menu and click on the EDIT DEFAULT COURSE button.

The layout will subtly change to include toggles under the Default header. Use the toggle on the appropriate courses you want to set as default courses. Scroll to the bottom and click SAVE to confirm your choices.

Provided that "Include default courses" is enabled during an Organisation's creation, the course will now automatically be made available when creating a new Organisation.