In addition to using the Provider Portal, you can use API clients to manage Organisations. For information on Provider-level API calls, click “READ THE DOCS”. You can create Provider API tokens of varying levels of permissions by going to “Settings > API Integrations”.

Provider API docs can be found here:

(Organisation portal each have their own API, docs here:

Click “CREATE NEW TOKEN” to begin the process of creating a new authorisation token. Enter the token’s name, tick the scopes of operation that the token will cover, and select the expiration period from the dropdown. Please ensure that the details are correct, as you cannot update them once the token is saved.

Once that is completed, click “SAVE”. The next modal that opens will contain the access token. Copy and store the token in a safe location. 

NB Ensure that this token is correctly copied and saved as this modal cannot be accessed again once the modal has been closed.

Created API tokens will be listed in the table. From the table, you can view:

  • the token’s name

  • the token’s scopes 

  • when a token was last used

  • the exact time and date that the token will expire is also shown

An email notification will be sent out to all of your active Provider users for all soon-to-be-expired tokens. A warning icon will also display in the top menu next to Settings when any of your Provider tokens are about to expire (or have expired). Tokens that have already expired will be in red text.

You can revoke a token by clicking “REVOKE”, and then confirming the action in the resulting modal.