The Provider area allows you to create and manage Organisations associated with you.

  1. You can create organisations in the “Organisations” tab. 

    1. Click “ADD ORGANISATION”, and then fill in the resulting form.

  2. You can create Provider Courses in the “Provider Courses” tab. 

    1. Click “ADD COURSE” and fill in the resulting form.

    2. From the Provider Course’s profile page, click “ADD MODULE” and select the option appropriate to your needs. Upload the correct file where necessary.

  3. You can enable Provider Courses per institution. 

    1. In the “Organisations” tab, click “DETAILS”. 

    2. In the Organisation’s details page, click “EDIT” in the “Provider Courses” panel.

    3. Tick or untick which Provider Courses you want to add or remove from the Organisation. Click “SAVE” to confirm your choices.

  4. You can set up Support users to access an Organisation. 

    1. In the Organisation’s details page, click “EDIT” in the “Support Users” panel.

    2. Click “ADD SUPPORT USER”. 

    3. Fill in the details and then click “SAVE”.

  5. You can access and log into the Organisation. 

    1. In the “Organisations” tab, click “LOG IN”. 

    2. The Organisation’s login page will be opened in a new tab.

    3. Request a password reset for your (Support User) account. Once you reset your password, you can log in and look around the organisation.

  6. As a Provider, you can set the default branding that’s part of all Organisations. 

    1. In “Settings > Branding”, you can upload new images for the Favicon, Default Certificate Background, Dashboard Background, Logo, and Login Image.

    2. Once the images are uploaded, log back into the Organisation and observe the changes.