Default limits.

If you wish to limit the number of attempts allowed at a course this can be managed from the course availability settings. This can be set by selecting “Manage > Courses”. Select the course you wish to limit the attempts from the list and go to the Availability panel on the right.

Select the "MANAGE AVAILABILITY" button to access the settings. To turn the Limit Attempts on simply use the toggle switch. The default number of attempts can also be adjusted from this section.

N.B. The settings from the course are applied when the user first starts the course. If you change the settings after that the user will still retain the settings they started the course with.

Limits per user

If desired you can also limit the number of attempts by an individual. This can be set by selecting “Report > User Reports” or “Report > Course Reports” and selecting the user you wish to limit attempts for. 

By selecting the "EDIT" button next to the No attempts limit from this screen lets you add a specific number of attempts for this user, or edit the value that was set by default.