The account owner can customise the platform by changing the logo and hero image (the large image on the login and password reset pages). 

These images can both be uploaded by selecting “Organisation > Branding” from the top menu. Changes will take effect as soon as the settings are saved.

Tip The branding settings area will be hidden if it is not enabled for your organisation. If you would like to access and customise your organisation's branding settings, please contact your Training Post Provider.   

Screenshot of the branding section along with the selection fields for the Organisation logo and login image

Once branding images have been added for your Organisation you will then be given the option to set a focal point for those images. This means that when the image is displayed on different sized browsers or devices the chosen focal point of the image will remain in view. 

To adjust a focal point for a branding image go to the branding area (“Organisation > Branding”) where you added your branded images previously. You should now see that larger images such as the Login image or the Dashboard background image now display an additional SET FOCAL POINT button. 

A screenshot to show the addition of the SET FOCAL POINT button once an image has been uploadedBy selecting the SET FOCAL POINT button a popup modal will appear displaying your chosen image with a red dot showing the focal point. To adjust this, select the image where you would like the focal point to be. The red dot will update its position to where you have chosen. Select SAVE to confirm your choice.

A screenshot of the modal that allows you to set the focal point.