If you are anything like us you will have a lot of courses available in your dashboard. Why not take advantage of this feature and create images for your courses. Learners will be able to quickly differentiate between each course at a glance and also make your dashboard more vibrant. This is also a great tool for identifying a series of courses by giving the course images a similar design.

Create your dashboard image

First of all, you will want to create or crop an appropriate image for your course that is 512 by 512 pixels in size. We will use this in the next step when we upload it to the course. 

Adding a dashboard image to your course

Once you have your image ready let's go ahead and add it to your course. To do this go to the top nav bar and select the PROVIDER COURSES button within your Provider area within Training Post. From the course list that displays next, select the course that you would like to add the dashboard image to.From the page that follows, In the top most panel select the EDIT COURSE button. Scroll to the bottom of this page until you get to the Dashboard Image section. Here you can select the BROWSE button, choose the image you created earlier. 

You will then need to select the SAVE button to save your image addition. You will then return to the course home page. At the top there should be an amber warning banner asking if you would like to synchronise this update with the Organisations that the course is shared with, if you are happy with your changes select the SYNCHRONISE button to confirm your update.

Now when you check the course in one of your Organisation's that it is shared with you will see the image displayed with this chosen course. Repeat this process for other courses you would like to have Dashboard images.